Best foot forward. In this case, best paddock boot forward.
This blog's aim is to review children's books which center around horses. There will be some other genres - nonfiction, memoir, essay, mystery - all horse-related, of course, but the general idea is to give myself an excuse to read and review the books I loved as a kid, and discover new ones. I'll be focusing mostly on American books, as there are several blogs already in operation to lovingly mull over Britain's contributions to the genre; it's in honor of that particular strain of horse book that this blog is named. There will, inevitably, be British and Australian books included, and I believe there are a few translated books from other nations as well. Most will be juvenile fiction, but there will also be some picture books, and some adult fiction and non-fiction.
I will be trying to keep the reviews generally consistent. My basic outline is to include the title, author and illustrator (if present), year of publication and publisher. Then a summary of the plot. Then a review. I will attempt to include a review of any illustrations, and a list of any other books written by the author. After re-reading a host of these books, I've noticed a few common ideas cropping up repeatedly, and so have created a Themes list, which I've applied to some books. More on this later.